Showing posts with label top salaried employees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label top salaried employees. Show all posts

19 September 2011

how to find out second highest salaried employee details of a table in sqlserver

with s1(id,names,sal) as (select 1 ,'a' ,1.00 union all select 2,'b',2.00 union all select 3,'c',3.00 union all select 4,'d',4.00 union all select 5,'f',5.00)

select * into sam from s1

select * from sam

--get 2nd highest sal.emp

  • select top 1 * from sam where sal in (select top 2 sal from sam order by sal desc) order by sal

  • select * from sam tbl1 where 1=(select count(distinct sal) from sam tbl2 where tbl1.sal<tbl2.sal)

  • select top 1 * from ( select top 2 * from sam order by sal desc)s order by sal

  • select * from (select *, rn=row_number() over(order by sal desc) from sam) s where rn=2

  • select * from (select *, rn = dense_rank() over(order by sal desc) from sam) s where rn=2

--get 2nd lowest sal.emp

  • select top 1 * from sam where sal in (select top 2 sal from sam order by sal) order by sal desc


Max possible columns per a table in sqlserver is 1024 but in oracle 1000
Max possible databases : 32,767