Showing posts with label date regular expressions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label date regular expressions. Show all posts

29 September 2011

checking regular expression for different date formats

string spl = @"([/|\-|.|\s])?";
string d = "(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])";
string m = "(0?[1-9]|1[012])";
string mmm = "([J|j]an(uary)?|[F|f]eb(ruary)?|([M|m]a(r(ch)?|y))|[A|a]pr(il)?|[J|j]u(n(e)?|l(y)?)|[A|a]ug(ust)?|[O|o]ct(ober)?|([S|s]ep(t)?|[N|n]ov|[D|d]ec)(ember)?)";
string y = "((19|20)?[0-9]{2})";

string timspl = @"([:|.|\s])?";
string hh = @"(0?[0-9]|1[012])";
string min = @"([0?|1|2|3|4|5][0-9]|60)";
string ss = @"([0?|1|2|3|4|5][0-9]|60)";
string tt = @"([A|a|p|P]m|[A|P]M)?";
string time = @"(" + hh + timspl + min + timspl + ss + ")?"+spl+tt;

string zzz = @"(\+[0-9]{2}(\:)?[0-9]{2})?"+spl+tt;

string date = @"("+d+spl+"("+m+"|"+mmm+")|("+m+"|"+mmm+"+)+"+spl+d+")"+spl+y+"";

string exp = "^(" + date + spl + time + spl + zzz + ")|(" + time + spl + date + spl + zzz + ")|(" + zzz + spl + time + spl + date + ")$";
if (Regex.IsMatch(txtreg.Text.ToLower().Trim(), exp))
lblreg.Text = "available";
lblreg.Text = "not available";